Oops hadn't realised I haven't blogged my exciting life for nearly a week! Well nothing too exciting has happened. We have snow! We're expected to get more so all hoping for a snow day Monday.
The week has been pretty good. Lockie had an amazing session at tot group on Tuesday. The best he has ever done!! Which is pretty good going for someone who refused to walk through the door only a few months ago! So yeah I was a tad proud of him!
Wednesday I finally got my washing machine fixed after a week of it being broken! Boy is it hard work hand washing 5 kids clothes!!! It really does make you appreciate things when they are not available!
Wednesday was also a day I received the report from Lochlainn's appointment at the end of last year. The dr confirmed that its for definite that he has a nureological development disorder. She also states that she doesn't know yet what he will be diagnosed with as he shows traits of both Autism and ADHD so basically will be as matter of waiting and seeing! Basically the same as my older son Brayden who is complex and at the age of 8 has only received all his diagnosis's so we are prepared that it will yet another long journey ahead. But at least this time we won't necessary need full answers as we are aware of what is already in our family. It's just a matter now of helping Lockie deal with everyday life and at this moment in time he is actually coping quite well. So fingers crosses he will prove us all wrong! (Love you Lockie! xxx)
Wednesday was also a day we booked our annual holiday!! Whoop whoop!! I never used to be into holidays as I'm a home bird but the last few years as a family we are loving our holidays! This year we have booked a week to south Devon staying in a cottage for a week on a farm with no one else around!! I'm so excited. Means my crazy kids can make as much noise as they like. Brayden can have as many meltdowns as he likes with only the animals to stare at him! And Lockie can scream till his heart is content!! Lol :) no sensory overload just pure nature!
Thursday we had a lazy day! Although I did walk to school and we had our run in the evening which is going really well!
Friday we went for lunch at Frankie and bennies for a friends birthday. Was yummy and the kids behaved theirselves!
Saturday was so cold so we just had a short play in the snow and in the afternoon Conor took Poppy and Brayden to the posh game which they lasted half an hour before ringing me to let me know they was on their way home!
Was far too cold and far too noisy for Brayden. It always makes me sad when he is so looking forward to doing things but can never carry it through. Also makes me sad when he's out at the stares he gets. Conor (his dad) said he had to lay down a few times to do some shaking and chanting and he aaid he felt like everyone was staring. It surprises me how people still stare when I feel that now days its not so rare to see special needs but I guess that's life, and which is why I try to raise awareness for autism as I can. I feel it's so important for these children for people around them to be aware of their needs and differences just to make their life's easier. Xxxx
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